Third Train-the-Trainer workshop on “FAIR Research Data” will take place on 25-27 April

Third Train-the-Trainer workshop on “FAIR Research Data” will take place on 25-27 April

Next Monday, 25th April, another online Train-the-Trainer workshop will start. As you may already know, one of our aims is to train trainers in delivering the training programme to the doctoral candidates and early career researchers. On this occasion and for three days, we will focus on “FAIR Research Data”.

A comprehensive management of research data is part of each research project and belongs to good scientific practice. It accompanies all phases of a project (from the proposal phase via data acquisition and data analyses to the publication phase). FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data sets are the overall goal of professional research data management.

A good stewardship of data (FAIR principles; Wilkinson et al., 2016) and an open data culture (Nosek et al., 2015) foster reproducibility as well as sustainability in science and make up the basis for (cross-discipline) data analyses, i.e. knowledge extraction.

In this workshop, an overview about concepts and approaches of research data management, its significance as well as teaching competences (that will help the trainers to prepare their own workshop on “FAIR Research Data” in the future), will be conveyed.